PT. Penascop UWC Indonesia is a subsidiary of PT. Penascop Group which is engaged in underwater inspection and cleaning.
Our highly trained personnel with the technical expertise and many years of experience in the field of under-water services, combined with modern technology and equipment. Guarantees excellent on-schedule results in all diving work.
We aim to be the market leader in underwater services and to achieve full customer satisfaction through providing effective and innovative solutions for our customers.

Why Underwater Cleaning ?
The purpose of underwater hull cleaning is to remove biological roughness or fouling. A build-up of marine fouling can Lead to increased drag, resulting in a detrimental impact on a vessel’s hydrodynamic performance.
Fouling, particularly in the case of a prolific build-up of hard or shell fouling like barnacles or tubeworm, can cause turbulence, cavitation and noise, frequently affecting the performance of sonars, speed logs and other hull mounted sensors.
Proper cleaning removes all traces of fouling and does not remove or damage the coating or cause any increased surface roughness. Underwater cleaning is performed either by a diver with brushers and live monitoring service can be provided during final inspection.